Monday, September 30, 2019

Marriage and Percent Cohabitation Increase Essay

Cohabitation is living together and having a sexual relationship between unmarried couples. Cohabitation is legal in some country and illegal in the others, it is illegal in our country Lebanon. The number of couples who are in cohabiting relationships has steadily risen throughout the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st as the social, religious and political attitudes to cohabitation outside of marriage have changed. Couples live together without marriage for several reasons. According to statistics the percentage of cohabitated couples in Lebanon is increasing â€Å"Recent figures have shown a 12 percent cohabitation increase from 1970 until early 2003,† (The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www. dailystar. com. lb). Cohabitation should be legalized in our country. First of all, cohabitation can be a preparation for marriage or a good experience for the couples. After cohabitating a period with your partner you will be able to decide to break up or to marry him/her. Living together with your partner will let you know all the good and the bad habits of him/her, cohabitation will give you a good idea about your life when you will marry your partner, and it will show you the difference between dating your partner and getting married. The percentage of divorce in Lebanon is increasing in the last years, some couples are married in 3 or 4 months after they met first, cohabitation could be the solution of this problem, these couples can cohabit 3 or 4 months and then they will decide to get married or to end the relationship. Without cohabitating, it is extremely hard for a couple to have an assumption about each others.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How might it influence an approach to international politics? Essay

In British usage the definition becomes derogatory precisely at the time that the idea of the modern nation-state is becoming ever more dominant. If we turn to the American voice of Emerson, though, a clear difference in tone emerges. We may see Emerson seek to determine the dualism between the local and the universal without recourse to the particular structures of state government. Emerson’s Kantianism is obvious in â€Å"Politics,† where he claims that â€Å"a conceptual of the codes of nations would be a transcription of the common conscience. † In Emerson’s description of the new man we can also hear the particular bulk of nineteenth-century American political thought become conjugal to this cosmopolitanism, as he calls for â€Å"men who are at home in each latitude and longitude, men of universal politics, who are involved in things in proportion to their truth and extent. † (Stephen E. Wicher, 1957), 309 This is certainly an enlarged view of the world, one in which the particular vigor and adventurousness of Americans will lead towards a lately refreshed cosmopolitanism. Cosmopolitanism in this framework seems to grow directly out of the power of individual men, almost bypassing the community completely, and in this way the tension between local and universal appears to be determined. Yet obviously Emerson’s thought also rests resolutely on its particular understanding of the American individuality and its relationship to the world. One might say then that his universalism is beached in the United States, much as Montesquieu was grounded in France. Until it is practically eclipsed by nationalist emotion in the last years of the nineteenth century, this fundamentally paradoxical cosmopolitan receptivity lurks within much American social discourse, emerging not simply in the appeal to universal humanism which surrounds the new discourses of social improvement in the 1890s, but also in the popular press discussions concerning American achievements in science, technology, and world exploration. Though, cosmopolitanism comprises politically compelling reasons. If cosmopolitanism cannot bring an explicitly and directly political program, it is at least a step toward this kind of internationalist political education. Cosmopolitanism is a condition that concerns to only a fraction of humanity who can give it. A common stereotype of cosmopolitans illustrates privileged, politically uncommitted elites – made up of wealthy corporate managers and (a few! ) academics and intellectuals – who retain their condition on the basis of autonomous wealth and a globetrotting lifestyle. In this classification, cosmopolitanism is a matter of consumption, an obtained taste for music, food, fashion, art, and text from all parts of the world. Second, cosmopolitanism refers to a principles or philosophy. modern political philosophers lean to divide themselves into communitarians, who believe that moral principles and obligations are or must be grounded in specific groups and contexts, and cosmopolitans. The final urge us to see ourselves as ‘citizens of the world’, forming a worldwide moral community of humanity unswerving to universal ideals of human rights. An alternative of this extensive argument is whether cosmopolitanism can be submissive with nationalism and patriotism. Third, the idea is used to refer to a political project, a new order of transnational political structures exercising what is at times described as ‘cosmopolitan democracy’. The idea implies a layer of global governance which limits the dominion of states and yet is not itself a world state. Cosmopolitan institutions would co-exist with states and would supersede their authority in particular spheres of activity. The institutions most considered for their potential to assist in the comprehension of such a cosmopolitan project are the United Nations and the European Union. the majority of the work on this topic remains somewhat abstract. A remarkable exception is the work of Martha Nussbaum, who has detailed a detailed vision of cosmopolitan education. In the study of international relations, David Held is the leading scholar and supporter of cosmopolitan democracy. For Held, ‘cosmopolitanism . . . seems to explicate, and offer a compelling elucidation of, the classical conception of belonging to the human community first and foremost, and the Kantian conception of subjecting all beliefs, relations and practices to the test of whether or not they allow open-ended interaction, uncoerced agreement and impartial judgment’ (Held 2002 : 64). Beck argues that the initiative of Americanization suggests a national understanding of globalization that is defectively adapted to the transnational world of the Second Modern Age. Rather, he proposes ‘rooted cosmopolitanism’, a cosmopolitanism that draws uniformly on the local. This serves to disperse the binary thinking that still tends to distinguish discussions on post-colonialism. The ‘otherness’ of others is renowned, and at the same time the sociological mind can be freed from its methodological nationalism and can grip a cosmopolitan perspective, with all the consequences this entails for the field.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Managerial Ethics

â€Å"Ethics is the code of moral values and principles that governs the behaviors of a person with respect to what is right or wrong (Burke)†. Ethics sets standards on what is good or bad in a person's behavior or decisions making. In addition it deals with internal values that are a part of the company's culture and their employees. An ethical issue is found in a case that the actions of a person or an organization may harm others. â€Å"Managerial ethics help to guide decision making and the organization of internal and external behavior. Ethical problems usually arise from a conflict between an individual or group and the company, division or department as a whole. Companies have created a set of values and standards that are recognized by managers and consistently referenced during the work day have created an ethical platform that can operate managers and make decisions. Training managers on the specifics of managerial ethics by role play, case study and group discussion has paved the way for ethical behaveor. † (Burke) Managers in most organizations seek to encourage ethical practices to gain whatever commercial advantage there may be in having potential consumers and employees regard the company as ethical, also to ensure ethical behavior in the company. Distributing, creating, and continually improving a company's code of ethics is a one-step manager can take to create an ethical workplace. Another step managers can take is to provide the work force with appropriate training. Many companies implement training programs designed at encouraging ethical practices within their organizations. (Marion, 2001) Managerial ethics are a set of standards that dictate the behavior of active manager within the workplace. It helps to guide decision making and organize the future path of the organization. People need to increase their awareness about ethics. Therefore, this paper will illustrate the history and the importance of ethics in the workplace environment. It will also provide good example of ethical and unethical behaviors in the place of work. History of ethics: The history of ‘’business ethics ‘’ has a lot of definition and it depends on how people define it. The history of ethics was known in 1970s and it was known in japan and Europe in 1980s. Business ethics is different in each country, for example the business ethics in China is way different from the business ethics in the United Kingdom. The history of business ethics will have three standards because it used in at least three different stands. First stand of the history is ‘‘the term ‘’ business ethics ‘’ came into common use in the 1970 in United State. ’’ (George, 1998). It was found in the academy, business meetings, and academic writing, research and teaching. Second stand of the history is when business ethics becomes more general usage in media and public discourse, and then they had to call it ‘’ethics in business. ’’ And it is the most widespread stand in general public, news reporters and many business companies use this term. Another stand of the history is when the history is broader; it goes back to the principal of business and taken in a broad sense, for example; commercial exchanges and later meaning economic system. Movement within business or movement to building ethics into structure in a form of ethics code, ethics training is the third stand of the history of ethics. Moreover, the meaning of business ethics is different from each country. According to Richard T. De George ‘’ Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become something that corporations can no longer ignore and still maintain a positive public image. ’’. It plays in most of European countries, where the government has a huge role than United States, for example, a lot of labor force that were managed in United states were legislated in United Kingdom. Also, Agreeing to Richard T. De George,† CSR is a somewhat nebulous concept and it is often adopted by companies in response to external criticism, without any overarching framework or set of values‘’. Ethics of CSR is recognized in all cases by ethical norms not by the demand of interest groups. The globalization of business ethics has been in the worldwide of all the three stand of business ethics. The globalization of business ethics is still in tis incapability. They have a little attention of global issue; lobal warming is an example of attention they have. TOYOTA ethics in Japan’s 1)Leave employee exhausted. 2)They think the more working hour daily will give more productivity and quality to the product. 3)Work late at night without break time. 4)No meals available in the company. Toyota in japan have a strict rules of ethics that employee must do it if they joins the Company. However, Toyota ethics in other countries is different from japan due to the change in culture, environment and what people believe in. Religion perspective on business ethics The reason why religion is the most important factor in a person’s perspective of business ethics is because there are several different views of religious. For example: Muslims use the Holy Quran and the teaching of Prophet Mohammed to inform people their views on business ethics, while Christianity uses the Ten Commandments and the teaching of Christ to explain their ethics in business. The Jewish uses the Torah. In Islam, responsibility, freedom and honesty are the three main concepts of ethics. In addition of these three main concepts, a Muslim person should also have to be fair and productive. They believe that a selfish habit has no room in Muslim’s ethics. Moreover, they also believe that an absolute freedom should not have a place in their ethics because the economy will damage slowly if it has absolute freedom. According to religious views on business ethics website, ‘’ Jewish faith believes that a person should show reasonable concern for others. In these aspects Judaism is like Christian faith, however, there is a major difference in their beliefs. ’ Jewish thought that wanting wealth is a fault and this fault turn people away from God. Furthermore, they also believe that a person should only have what is necessary to him/her to live a happy life. Judaism has rules that they follow as business ethics. Employers and employees are in different levels, so they will have different rules to follow. According to Religious views on business ethics website, ‘’ One rule that Jews believe, is that an employer should not demand more from a worker than they are capable of doing. ’ The basis for these different religions for theirs business ethics is: wealth and to know the perfect ways to deal with that wealth while staying in the limitation of their laws and rules. The main different in these religions is the way in which to deal with a situation that arise in everyday life and that because every religion has its own policy. The importance of ethics: Obviously, unethical and abnormal performance difficulties are of huge worry to businesses, which need to precede stages to resolve them. Unethical performance leads to unethical workplace environment that’s full of animosity, dishonest competition and inconvenient atmosphere and that’s why ethics are central quantity of each business organization. The ethical culture should be encouragement, solid and optimistic. â€Å"The vanity of the sciences, physical science will not console me for the ignorance of morality in the time of affliction. But the science of ethics will always console me for the ignorance of the physical sciences† (Pascal, 1998). There is a rising acknowledgment that noble ethics can have an optimistic financial influence on the performance of organizations. Lots of statistics provision the basis that ethics, integrity, responsibility and values are essential in the modern place of work. For customer crowds and the general public at outsized, studies has shown that noble ethics is good business. Ethics are essential aspect in the business environment. It goes beyond setting rules and applying them in the workplace to increase the organization’s profit, spread their reputation and competitive advantage to consumers and suppliers. Ethics advance the productivity and efficiency of the labor, honesty, and dependability, positive Work Habits, initiative, humility, positive Attitude, Teamwork, protect human rights of employees and provide a restful atmosphere at work. The importance of ethics in the workplace environment lays down numerous benefits in many different approaches. It can benefit the internal culture and atmosphere to the external firm’s reputation and stature. Several college courses are currently comprehensively applying the training of ethics and for worthy purpose. Young minds will proceeds this info into the workplace and recognize that ethics must be practical there as well as in the private division. A great level of ethics in the business has to be in place as a minimum for the consumers. If anything, it is the consumer that would be reflected the furthermost when it arises to ethical business performs. Customers will rather purchase their needs from a good reputation company that teach and apply good ethics to their employees. Ethics are believed by a lot of individuals as something that is associated to the private sideways of lifetime and not to the business sideways. In countless businesses, consuming ethics is assumed as an undesirable topic. This is since business is frequently about choosing what is the finest for number one, not about what's truly the correct thing to do. Ethics are theoretical to advance our lives and appeal honest spirits. Maybe the purpose ethics is such an uncomfortable topic is for the reason that they are repeatedly unwell applied, if applied at all. Ethics aren't checkered at the gate when arriving the place of work. Ethics obligate each little as much a place in the community as they do the private. What is unethical behavior? We can describe unethical behavior as any act that is not accepted by the principles of behavior recognized by the association. Unethical behavior can take place at any situation with an employee; either it can occur while dealing with another employee, in day to day running of the business or when he is dealing with the company’s resources and finance. Unethical behaviors show damaging in workplace . There are a lot of unethical behaviors in workplace. One of the important causes of unethical behavior is greed. For example, the worker who’s in contact with a client may be willing to give him/her a discount in exchange for a kickback. The essential reason that can lead to unethical behaviors in the workplace is ignoring the firm's policies . The most common unethical behavior is deception in the workplace. Such as, switch prices of products so that items are marked as cheaper than they should be. Also, failure to commit with clients, such as delays in the due date and failure to respond to customers’ calls or emails . You must know how to deal with difficult clients. (Wallace, 2012) Also one of the common unethical behaviors by an employee in a company can be seen in a situation where he uses the company’s computer for his personal use. Unethical behavior is carried out when he uses the computer for either shopping online, checking his personal emails not related to company’s official work, playing games †¦etc. These tasks may lead to delay in the responsibilities that he was assigned to do for the company. In addition â€Å"fraud is a form of unethical practice, which involves falsification of facts or data to obtain unjust rewards Fraud is a crime which attracts harsh sentences to offenders. It also causes huge losses to business organizations. †(Thomson, 2004) Moreover, bribery is considered number one of the most unethical behaviors in the companies. Bribery means offering or accepting anything of value in exchange for changing or influencing the behavior of the recipient of the bribe. Anything of value can use as a bribe, but the money is a classic bribe. It also can be more intangible, and they might be like offers of real estates, valuable objects or a promise to do a specified service in the future. In order to consider it as a bribe, the object of value should be offered with the clear understanding that the person who accepts the bribe will be doing something in return. This distinguishes bribes from gifts given in real good faith, and also discriminate bribery of tipping, a practice in offering gifts in return for good service. For example, a driver being ticketed for speeding or parking in the wrong place might offer a bribe to the police officer to ask him to rip up the ticket. In many areas of the world bribery is considered as a crime, and it can be hardly punished. While in other areas bribery is more socially acceptable, and that can put a heavy burden on those in the lower levels of society, as they cannot afford to bribe officials in the pattern to which they are accustomed. The cultural differences on bribery can lead sometimes to confusions. In some cultures, for example, offering a tip may be considered a bribe, while in others, if you did not give a tip it considered as an offensive. Depending on regional laws, bribery can be punished with fines, imprisonment for a specified period, or compensation. Particularly in countries that are based on high ideals of equality, bribery is usually seen as especially offensive, because it erases the illusion that all the members of society are equal when someone can basically buy favors or someone else's skills with the right bribe. Ethical behavior: Ethical behaviors are essential for employees to deal with clients in a professional way . Employees face ethical and unethical behaviors from clients every day in the workplace. If you want your company or shop gain profit you must train the staff to act ethically in accordance with the company. Working with clients requires specific ethics. For example, ability to offer successful communication to makes them repeat clients. As employee in company you must protect the rights of the client when delivering the service. Such as, rights of privacy. Moreover, the worker should have confidentiality relating to the release of information about clients. Be a good employee for instance, tell the truth always to your clients. Must respect all people and not to differentiate between them, give the clients your best advice and listen to the client because he/she wants to know that you care about his/her problem. Apologize and correct the problem if you had mistaken. Also, show the positive relationship between the employee and the clients. (Knight, 2009) Other example of ethical integrity in the workplace is confidentiality. It is a major illustration of veracity in any place of work. It is also considered as a legal obligation for any employee at any level of organization. All the employers in an organization has got certain information that is to be kept as secret and exposure of these to anybody can lead to fines, penalties and lawful punishments. Confidentiality helps in building trust and motivates genuine deliberation of secrecy of others. The most basic business ethics are honesty, integrity and fairness. Honesty is related to ethical advertising and a reasonable cost for the quality of the products or services. The businesses make profits through ethical business strategies instead of trying to benefit from others through dishonest pricing. Moreover, integrity includes a very wide range of ethics, but it covers issues like social and environmental responsibility. Integrity in business is to be fair and considerate to others but at the same time make profit. Finally, fairness is a very basic concept of ethics, where the company has to treat all the people in commercial dealings either employees or buyers fairly. Fairness in commercial dealings means to be objective and to have an interest in creating a win-win situation for both parties, whether between an employer and employee or a company and a client. Conclusion: To sum up, ethical is essential and very important aspect in the workplace environment. Ethics sets standards on what is right and wrong in an individual's performance and decisions making. There is a rising acknowledgment that noble ethics can have an optimistic financial influence on the performance of organizations. Unethical behaviors provide lack of enthusiasm and negativity in the workplace. Therefore, ethical behaviors are central part to the workplace environment and to employees to work with clients in a professional way.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Professional Nursing Organization Research Paper

Professional Nursing Organization - Research Paper Example Just like any other profession, a professional body that encompasses human care, nursing interests, governs the nursing profession. The nursing organizations ensure their future survival by determining how to carry out present actions with a view of being professional and maintaining their global relevance (Corcoran, 2000). Among the many professional nursing organizations, this paper will review the American Nurses Association. . The American Nurses Association operates under the Mission Statement: Nurses advancing our profession to improve health for all. The American Nurses Association (ANA) is a full-service professional organization that represents the interests of America’s nurses. About 3.1 million registered nurses benefit from The American Nurses Association (ANA through its constituent and state nurses associations and its organizational affiliates (ANA, 2012). The ANA collaborates with the Congress to pass legislation that protects the interests of nurses and patien ts. Additionally, The ANA fosters high standards of nursing practice, projects a positive and realistic view of nursing, and promotes the rights of nurses in the workplace, and lobby the Congress and other regulatory agencies on issues affecting the health care of nurses and the public. In doing this, it relevantly advances the nursing profession. ... efines nursing as the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations (ANA, 2012). The American Nurses Association (ANA) has number of priorities that govern its operations. The ANA advocates for the provision of a caring relationship that facilitates health and healing and seeks attention to the wide range of human experiences and responses to health and illness within the physical and social environments. It seeks adherence to the set code of ethics in the nursing profession and healthcare reforms. The ANA equally promotes the integration of objective data with knowledge gained from an appreciation of the patient or group's subjective experience in the field of nursing. Similarly, the ANA prioritize safety and quality health care accorded in professional standards. Additiona lly, the ANA calls for the application of scientific knowledge to the processes of diagnosis and treatment with judgment and critical thinking. The ANA considerably prioritize the advancement of professional nursing knowledge through scholarly inquiry, and influence on social and public policy to promote social justice. In addition, the ANA aims at conserving the environment for a safer working place as well as seeking various benefits for its members (ANA, 2012). The priorities of the American Nurses Association (ANA) have significant contributions to the discipline of nursing. The priorities and the mission statement of the ANA ensure that nurses confine themselves to informative, scientific, and professional decisions while handling patients. They also ensure that patients and nurses

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Personalized Medicine Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personalized Medicine - Case Study Example They considered that work belongs to â€Å"dummies.† Their work ethic was to milk the restaurant till it went dry. They would steal money, avoid hard work and get rid of customers as soon as they got there. This new work ethic is outrageous; work ethic is based on hard-work and diligence, which is not the case in this Sheehy report. The new ethic at Sheehy’s work place was a type of â€Å"gamesmanship.† Employees cared about themselves and developed mysterious tactics of getting more money. I have experienced this kind of attitude in different work places. I once worked with employees who were dishonest and they would do anything to get that extra money. The company I worked for dealt with cosmetics and so our job was to sell and promote their products. Some attitudes that Sheehy has described may seem exaggerated but they are not very different from those I have experienced. My colleagues were a little discreet when carrying out their evil plans, unlike those in Sheehy’s report who purposely tried to provoke the management. My colleagues used to steal money cautiously because they did not want to lose their job. They called this â€Å"beating the system,† they complained of doing so much and getting minimal salaries. This meant getting what they wanted without following the company’s policies. ... The future of American business is not bright, with this kind of work ethic. A business where employees steal does not develop as expected. A business where customers are treated horribly cannot grow either, customers make the largest percentage of a business and without them there is no business. The future of American business is doomed unless the management does something about it. Some managers employ unqualified staff who do not respect them or their businesses. For instance, Sheehy reports that the majority of people working in his work place were students who were only there to make money (Shaw, 2010). These students did not take their job seriously and so they shouldn’t have been employed. They were doing harm to the business than good. They stole money and drove customers away and they did this without even hiding it from the management; they did not mind provoking their manager. With this kind of work ethic, there can never be a great future for American business. An y business should be taken seriously and to run a good business, both the employees and the employer must have same goals and objectives. Goals that create a profitable business; where employees understand the policies of the business, and where the employer meets the needs of the employees satisfactorily; this will lessen these kinds of encounters. 3. Explain whether it is more reasonable to expect workers, especially in a capitalist society, to be more devoted to their jobs, more concerned with quality and customer service, than Sheehy’s coworkers were. In this capitalist society, it is reasonable to expect employees who are devoted to their work and more concerned with quality and customer service than Sheehy’s colleagues. Sheehy’s coworkers are not the

Impacts of Outdoor Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Impacts of Outdoor Learning - Essay Example Most educators in the field of education mostly prefer experimental learning over other learning methods, like the lecture method which they claim to be more of teacher centred than student centred. Studies indicate that lessons that are designed to meet the demands of the learners, especially through discovery are more inclined to yield more results than lessons that are more concerned with the tutors (Martin, 2006). Marg (2008) indicates that outdoor learning is that which is organized to fit the learners in the outdoor, with the environment manipulated to fit the needs of the learners. The main learning resource, in this case, is the environment, that allows for learning via action as well as reflection of concepts being taught in the classroom. Reflection, in this case, takes place through use of role play, learner games and narratives amongst others. Through these learning tools, the educators are able to learners tend to change their way of thinking on the manner in which they view the concepts being taught. Of more weight, is the argument by Geoff (2008) who indicates that the kind of knowledge that was confined in the classroom is no longer applicable in contemporary learning environment. Teachers must come up with systems that allow the learners be active in the learning environment, an aspect that allows them interact one on one with the real life environment. If the teachers assume the role of ‘preachers’ in the classroom, chances are that the learners will result to rote learners who will assume education as a part time. Teachers must the source of experience givers, and make the learning environment as constructive as possible. 2.0. Body 2.1. Literature review According to Bilton (2010), outdoor learning is a channel in which the educator opens innovative opportunities for learners to grasp the concepts being taught in the classroom. Experimental learning is a practical method of teaching and learning that allows the learners venture i nto milieus that they had not been conversant with prior to subjection to the concept being taught in the learning environment. Through outdoor learning, the monotony of the classroom environment and the normal lectures and group discussions are evaded by the learners. Of essence, the learners are given the opportunity to ankle new discoveries in the environment that are relation to the concepts being educated in schools. As much as some critics’ dispute that outdoor learning may give minimal results during learning, the direct point of discussion is that a difference is noted, regardless of how tiny it may sound. This leads to the definition of the learning process, which indicates any form of change that is experienced in the learners after imposition of any form of instruction (Bunting, 2006). In this case, therefore, it would be justified to make the assumption that no matter how minute, outdoor learning has created a lot of changes in the learners. Additionally, research conducted by Sampson & Adelsberger (2008) indicates that outdoor learning has made exceptional changes in the field of education. With time, learners have been seen to develop a positive attitude towards discovery of concepts on their own, which has produced tremendous outcomes on the performance of the learners, a concept which Weaver& Bodzin (2010) refer to as active students. It is evident that

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

British Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

British Empire - Essay Example The utilization of academic journals, timely books, academic web sites, and periodical articles, gives supporting evidence into this research to prove the validity of the statement that the British Empires construction was done to improve upon the British people's homeland, and living conditions, more so than any other socioeconomic factor emphasized. This statement does not hold the validity that the main idea of the construction of the British Empire does, which was to provide guaranteed sustenance, a secure home-land, safety for the citizens, and the promotion of socioeconomic growth. As Porter (2002) points out in his writing, "British expansion was a matter of prudent negotiation rather than thoughtless aggression," or even greed for that matter. This defines the building of the British Empire as a construction that was not done by means of war, but rather discussion amongst other public figures of countries to gain treaties that would allow for Britain to be able to develop and expand in a humane and civil manner. Furthermore, the idea that it was greed that compelled the Britons to expand seems highly unlikely and benign as Porter defines, through his writing, that there were notably times when Britain had no real interest in imperial expansion, even though it normally occurred at a later date through negotiated treaties ( 219). The main cause of this Nation building its empire was more centered on necessary strategies of protection, and the social, economic, and religious factors that were involved at the time, as is being emphasized. As has been stated, there existed multi-faceted reasons for the development of this Empire. The Briton's steadfast belief in imperialism, and the idea they had to civilize and bring the idea of Christianity to the whole world held its own place in the construction of the empire. The Briton's believed that by expanding and acquiring more land they would have better safety nets for refuge in case of attack. They also wanted to secure a safe area of land so that colonializations could develop and the people could feel safe. By doing this they believed it allowed them to have the freedom to follow their own religious following. In other words, expansion brought them a religious form of refuge from persecution by Puritans like Charles I. Not only did the Briton's feel expansion was extremely necessary to provide for religious sanctity at times, but they also realized that the growing population needed a good demographic area to settle for an extended period. These were all unselfish reas ons for the continuing construction of the British Empire's development and security. Furthermore, Britons were aware of the signs of animosity from neighboring countries that could pose a threat to the country's well being, and in this regard they had many defensive reasons as to why the construction of the Empire was indeed, a necessity. Their fear of Spain led them to expand into North American

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Language Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Language Development - Essay Example involved in language development, role of education in facilitating language development, impact of brain Injury on loss of language, historical and contemporary theories of language learning, as well as the social influences on cognition and language in psychology. The significance and relevance of language as an inevitable means of communication has and continues to be a topic of interest facilitating widespread interest among researchers. Language pervades almost all essential human activities, from an infant’s initial conversations to activities requiring directing, expanding, and influencing actions, to amending information, generating awareness and stimulating emotions. In the field of education, language involves an additional element that of facilitating documentation of individual experience with a view to communicating and transforming such stored information to others. It also offers a source of reproducing such experience for developing new ideas and concepts which may be useful for facilitating enhanced communication of information and knowledge among individuals. In this sense, language development is essentially a fundamental medium of literature and linguistic studies. Language acquisition is essential for every human being in order to continue his/her life in a social set up. We acquire language through various types such as pre-schooling language education, schooling language education, social interaction, social influence, cultural settings and much more. The importance of language in our day to day activities cannot be negated as it is exclusively integral to our existence as a social being (Villers and Villers, 1978). Human beings start learning language from the day of their birth and continue learning till the end of their lives (Scovel, 1988). The process of language acquisition continues from the start to the end due to which, it can be said that education and instruction plays a crucial role in facilitating us with the knowledge of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Elements of National Interest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Elements of National Interest - Essay Example Power refers to the ability to directly or indirectly influence the attitude and behavior of people either willingly or by coercion to get the desired end result. The principle of power is another important American principle that has significantly influenced the American foreign policy strategies (Jentleson, 17). On the other hand, the principle of peace is important particularly with regard to the fact that peaceful coexistence enables international institutionalism and economic interdependence between countries. Generally Peace can be defined as a state of harmony that exists when there is no violence, hostility and aggression. It takes into consideration inter boundary relations among countries A good example is the current European Union which has thrived on both the principles of power, prosperity and peace. It is the interaction of these principles that are embedded in America’s national interest. America’s power and show of might in protecting its citizen agains t aggression and assault by use of nuclear weapon is aimed at ensuring peaceful co existence of its citizens and the neighboring countries. The elements of national interest emanate from the fact that those who have power, be they leaders or politicians play a crucial role in the development of the country and its prosperity. Throughout the history both during the cold war period (1945-1990) as well as in the present times, many of the aspects of the US foreign policy strategies have occasionally come into conflict with the 4Ps as well as with one another. A good example of a contradiction between the principles and the US national interests during the cold war period was the Arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union. At the heart of the cold war were the ideological differences between America and its allies and the Soviet Union and its aligned countries. For example the Western bloc lead by the United States believed in capitalism, democracy, freedom and liberty whi le the Eastern bloc lead by the Soviet Union championed Communism and greater state control of politics and economics of their countries. The cold war resulted into a serious military and political tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and allies. The conflict between the US foreign policy strategies and its national interests during the cold was that while the stock piling more weapons including nuclear weapons was good for the security interests of the nation, it proved to be costly and resulted in an economic back lash that significantly affected the principle of prosperity. The major trade of that the leaders of the United States had to make during conflict of their principles of prosperity and national security interests was to compromise their economic prosperity for the sake of national security interests. Despite the costs, the US continued to be involved in the arms race with the Soviet Union and its allies. It also attempted to expand its influence to coun ter communism through regime changes in the Soviet aligned countries and this particularly proved to be politically and economically expensive as was evidenced by the Viet Nam war, Korean War and the Gulf war. All these wars proved to be costly and contradicted the principles of prosperity but the leaders chose to trade off the economic costs with the need to achieve more influence and power in the global affairs. The positive consequence of the trade offs in this regard was the fact that America achieved power and more influence in the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Uncontrolled Blood Pressure Essay Example for Free

Uncontrolled Blood Pressure Essay Physical assessments including fluid balance, skin and weight Life style changes including weight and stress management Mr. Debourg is 62 year old male. In 2013, during routine physical with his physician, he was referred to a cardiologist for further evaluation. Patient was diagnosed with high blood pressure and started on Lisinopril 10mg daily. Due to stress from work, he started having palpitation and shortness of breath. On 4/13/2014, patient started feeling hot and dizzy. When his wife  noticed patient’s face was turning pale, she took his blood pressure. Patient states he’s blood pressure at that time was around 200/100, heart rate above 150. Mr. DeBourg drove himself to the hospital where he was admitted for further evaluation and tests. Angiogram showed 2 blocked arteries and he received Cardiac stent placement. Patient is now on 4 blood pressure medications and sees cardiologist every 3 months for stress test. Patient’s blood pressure is not well controlled due to lack of physical exercise, poor diet, smoking and stress. By the evidence is current diagnosis and history obtained by the patient, Mr. DeBourg is at risk for decreased cardiac output and at risk for having myocardial ischemia if his blood pressure is not controlled by life style changes. According to Elsevier health, cardiac patients require blood pressure monitoring daily, assessment of peripheral pulses, cold clammy skin, fluid retention levels and weight (Gulanick,n.d). Nursing goals and proprieties for this patient is to maintain cardiac function by monitoring t to prevent further complications and support patient with life style changes. Mr. DeBourg will need education on the importance of exercise to improve circulation, and healthy diet plans to control his weight. Patient understands smoking and stress is contributing to his health condition but continue to smoke. Patient will need support from his spouse and children to quit smoking and engage in activities like hobby or relaxation methods. I will provide information on smoking cessation support group called The Freedom from Smoking in Las Vegas, and counseling information at perfect image for life with the nutritionist to go over his diet plans and exercise program.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Projectification of the organisational world

Projectification of the organisational world It is fascinating to observe from the management and business sciences, how organisations are changing their structural behaviours: Nowadays, it is hard to imagine an organisation that is not engaged in some kind of project activity. Over the past decade, organisations have been turning from operations to project management as part of their competitive advantage strategy. Organisations are now redefining their business structures by adopting project management practices, thus Maylor et al. (2006, p.663) point out that projectification is the process that comprehends organizational changes through a process where work is managed by projects. We should therefore look at projects as projectification means to get to the implementation of strategy although it might be a realistic statement, it still has a more in dept reasoning behind it and we hope this document will enlighten this further. Projects as the fundamental of projectification are defined as temporary organizations created to deliver one or more business products translated in to project objectives according to their business case requiring specific competencies or skills for a pre-determined period of time according to The Office of Governament Commerce (OGC, 2009, p.31). However, Maylor et. al. (2006, p.664) have a different designation of projects, as managerial tools and structures for innovation and change. Other interconnected concepts related to projects will be further explained looking at the projectification of the organisational world. Maylor et. al. (2006, p.663) support that there are two completely opposite ideas between the managerialist concept of a project as a way to control and the idea that projects are flexible and less bureaucratic structures and as many commentators according to Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.8) cite, they position projects as more appropriate for implementing deliberate strategies. Despite the above, Maylor et. al.(2006, p.664) citing Davies, Brady and Hobday point out that organisations are finding that traditional organizational structures (i.e. with departments, business units and divisions) are no longer appropriate. However, Haniff and Fernie (2008) defend that projectification is not always seen as the most favourable process and it can become problematic if different organisations working together do not have the same projectification approach. Thus, projectification is not seen as a firm solution, i.e. in the perspective of delivering deliberate strategies. That might be the case in the construction sector where Haniff and Fernie (2008, p.9) state that it is naive to assume that any pre-determined project plan can be simplistically implemented. According to above pessimistic view, Maylor et. al. (2006, p.667) agree that we might face barriers to projects being carried out, this might in turn show that is an unwanted consequence of the projectification process but one to account for as limitations in the implementation of the organizational strategy may emerge. Despite these limitations, Maylor et. al. (2006, p.664) citing Packendorff and Hodgson support that there is an evidence of increasing belief of projectification through projects. This is stated by Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.5), they believe that corporate strategy is now a means of thinking through and articulating how an organizations corporate goals and objectives will be achieved. This lead us towards how Bracker cited in Shirley (1982, p. 263) characterises business strategy: as an environmental or situational analysis to determine a firms posture in its field and if the firms resources are utilized in an appropriate manner to attain its major goals. Some consider that business strategy is folded in strategic initiatives such as Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.5), explain that these initiatives are often clustered into portfolios of programmes and projects for implementation, whose support is given by organization roles in particular project workers and managers as Packendorff and Hodgson cited in Maylor et. al. (2006, p.664) emphasize. Again, Maylor et. al. (2006, p.666) agree these developing roles are a consequence of projectification as well as the search for authority by project managers. These are responsible for the planning, delegating, monitoring and control of all aspects of the project, and the motivation of those within the temporary organization to achieve the project objectives within the expected project performance measures, time, cost, quality, scope, benefits and risks according to OGC (2009, p.4). Gaddis (1969, p.96) makes a good point when distinguishing tactics from strategy doing the analogy to the advanced-tec hnology project manager and the research administrator, where the first is considered the tactician and the other the strategist. Therefore, project managers are not directly seen as a strategy deliver role as Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6) citing Thomas, Delisle, Jugdev, and Buckle argue. In addition project managers are seen as strongly execution oriented role, as per project management responsibilities, and as such, they are not perceived as strategically important by senior managers.Although, Pellegrinelli and Bowman (1994, p.126) see that projects are grouped in programmes to actually achieve beneficial changes of strategic nature for an organisation. Unlike project management, Pellegrinelli, Partington and Young cited in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.8) see implementation of strategy through programme management, as well as McElroy cited in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6) emphasizes the need for senior management involvement for successful strategy implementation. A more realistic view from Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.8) is that many commentators position projects as more appropriate for implementing deliberate (planned) strategies, while considering programmes for both deliberate and emergent (unplanned) strategies. Including the view of the Association for Project Management (APM) cited in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6) for good governance practice is that now clearly requires alignment between business, portfolio, programme and project plans, and transparent reporting of issues throughout the strategic hierarchy as well as Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6) defend that these should have a reciprocal relationship. Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.8) bring to this context that corporate strategy is not translated into project strategy by a simplistic process. It is further complex and it requires an extensive range of management competencies and a clear definition of roles and responsibilities. See Figure 1 below. Figure 1 Organisations Strategic Hierarchy Subsequently, Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.16) defend that the hierarchy of objectives and strategies, represented in Figure 1 by the interconnectivity between those 5 blocks, enable organizations to cascade strategy in a systematic way, such as the Archibalds model mentioned in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6) specifies, objectives and strategies are developed at the policy, strategic, operational and project levels and cascaded down, thereby ensuring alignment and continuity of strategy. Partington cited in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6), suggest three levels of strategy (See Figure 1) as corporate, business and operational being operational level focussed on programmes and projects. Yet, according to Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6), this hierarchy of objectives and strategies can generally be formed as a result of using a strategy planning process which in turn can be a highly effective mean of structuring and managing strategy, and communicating it to the organization and through out. Johnson and Scholes cited in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.5) highlight that, strategic management is often ambiguous, complex and dynamic, fundamental and organization-wide, and generally has long-term implications. Although, there may be pre-established strategy planning processes and practices, strategy may not be realized in a straightforward way as many planners assume according to Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6). Baker, Bard, Cooper and others cited in Srivannaboon and Milosevic (2006, p. 494) argue that aligning project management with the business strategy is not a clear process but Gomolski cited in Rathnam (2004, pp. 2-3) defend that with business ownership and accountability can lead the way to ensure alignment of business strategy. Most studies link business strategy with project management through project selection and see that as part of the alignment process. Others such as Thompson cited in Henderson and Venkatraman (1990, p.26), see alignment made not only of static elements but a combination of strategy dynamics and behaviors which are managed by external factors to the organization. Supporting this view, Mintzberg and Waters (1985, P. 271), argue that managing requires: ÂÂ ´a light deft touch to direct, in order to realize intentions while at the same time responding to an unfolding pattern of actions. Again, the interaction between projects or programmes and the organizations strategy may be both deliberate and emergent when attempting to implement the intended strategy, according to Grabher, cited in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6). The UK Office of Government Commerce (OGC) in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.8) considers the alignment between strategy and projects to be one of the main benefits of programme management. However, this seems out dated regarding recent guidance on governance. It is expected that increasing need to understand this alignment issue will be translated in to more literature and experience based contributions on this subject. The project management has become an important business process for organizations and Srivannaboon and Milosevic (2006, p.493) support that project management and the business strategy alignment help organizations to focus on the right projects, given the objectives of the business strategy. On the other hand, any misalignment may cause an organization to lose market opportunities and the organizations recovery process might be difficult. Therefore, to effective project management and to achieve the business strategic alignment it is required to have a deeper understanding of these complexities. Accordingly to Shirley (1982, p. 268) it is in the study of such complexities in relation to internal strengths, weaknesses, and values of the organization that students and faculty are challenged and also confused with processes involved in strategy making. This is furthermore complex when various organisations are working together to deliver the projects objectives and therefore the business strategy. Accordingly to Haniff and Fernie (2008, p.9), each individual organisation has got their one project strategy that aligns with the organizational strategy. This results in individual team members influencing at some level the project strategy by creating an emergent project management strategy. Similarly, Jamieson and Morris cited in Srivannaboon and Milosevic (2006, p.495) suggest that most of the elements of the strategic planning process, such as internal analysis, organizational structures, and control systems, are strongly linked to project management processes and activities and thereby strongly influence intended business strategies. Accordingly to Mintzberg and Waters (1985, p.272) this strategic control mentioned above may be in managers which is further recognized by the patterns and actions of managers on their own actions with in the organization configuration. Despite project management processes, other issues co-exist such as the lack of a single coherent project strategy that can lead to loss of business understanding and directly influencing the link between business strategy and project implementation which may be extremely affected according to Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.11). In addition, Rathnam (2004, p.2) draws attention to research made by others that leads us to communication and understanding to be the strategy alignment problem. Morris and Jamieson (2005, pp.7-8) also point out that the business and operating requirements of a project frequently affect the project strategy significantly. Per instance, in the IT industry as Rathnam (2004, pp.4-5) shows, the lack of business strategy, lack of focus on business process, misalignment between business areas and organization structural barriers, lack of an enterprise-wide view, business against IT mentality, lack of awareness in need for strategy alignment, difficulty in communicat ing and understanding IT, resistance to escalate misalignment conflicts to executive management and rapid rate of technological change where considered the main gaps for strategy alignment. Cicmil et. al. (2006, p.679) argue that, If projects fail because of miscommunication and failure to meet expectations, what is it about project management that makes this happen so much in a project environment? Projects are very complex and characterized by issues related to uncertainty, control and mutual interaction among project intervenients according to Cicmil et. Al. (2006, p.676). In addition Cicmil et. al. (2006, p.683) claims that management actions to accelerate perturbed projects make the problem worse which is the case when the project is heavily time-constrained. Avots (1969) adds that the wrong man appointed as project manager, lack of support from the company management, inadequate task definitions, management techniques not appropriate or project termination not well planned are also the reasons for a project failure. Despite the fact that organisations may be using projects to secure business benefit, Midler cited in Maylor et. al. (2006, p.669) question whether this is actually being achieved by these management practices. The existing concepts for what constitutes a project may not be in agreement within the project management practitioners community. Also the temporary organisation (project team) and expectancy of the project outcomes may not be consistent with all intervenients. This is a result of organisational projectification and as such we shall reconsider the term project given this paper. It is evident that in a multi project level is where we can find a bigger gap in maintaining the strategic alignment through project management and projects. Therefore this presents an area of great interest for both practitioners and scholars. Different project management approaches and methodologies are now being used by organizations at all stages of the project life cycle with project strategy development, review and optimization occurring at specific points. A high percentage of organizations define the personal project management competencies required to develop project strategy. Several organizations stressed the leadership qualities that they expected of their executives in shaping and delivering strategy, at both the project level as well as the corporate level. It can be concluded, therefore, that although project strategy management is an underexplored and insufficiently described subject in the business and project literature, it is, in fact, a relatively well-trodden area, deserving of more recognition, formal study, and discussion. (Word count: Max 2500)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Industrial Pollution And Environmental Sustainability Environmental Sciences Essay

Industrial Pollution And Environmental Sustainability Environmental Sciences Essay Industrial pollution is one of the main causes of pollution worldwide. Apart from health hazards, water pollution due to discharge of contaminated water and global warming are some of the harmful effects of industrial pollution. Industry accounts for more than half the volume of all water pollution and for the most deadly pollutants. Some 370,000 manufacturing facilities in the United States of America alone use huge quantities of freshwater to carry away wastes of many kinds. The waste-bearing water, or effluent, is discharged into streams, lakes, or oceans, which in turn disperse the polluting substances. In its  National Water Quality Inventory,  reported to Congress in 1996, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concluded that approximately 40% of the nations surveyed lakes, rivers, and estuaries were too polluted for such basic uses as drinking supply, fishing, and swimming. The pollutants include grit,  asbestos, phosphates  and  nitrates,  mercury,  lead, caus tic soda and other sodium compounds,  sulfur  and  sulfuric acid, oils and  petrochemicals.(Sell, 1992) In addition, numerous manufacturing plants pour off undiluted corrosives, poisons, and other noxious byproducts. The construction industry discharges slurries of gypsum, cement, abrasives, metals, and poisonous solvents. Another pervasive group of contaminants entering food chains is the  polychlorinated biphenyl  (PCB) compounds, components of lubricants, plastic wrappers, and adhesives. In yet another instance of pollution, hot water discharged by factories and power plants cause thermal pollution by increasing water temperatures. This increase changes the level of oxygen dissolved in a body of water, thereby disrupting the waters ecological balance, killing off some plant and animal species while encouraging the overgrowth of others. Global warming is one of the most common and serious consequences of industrial pollution. The emission of various  greenhouse  gases such as CO2, methane (CH4), among others from various industries, increases the overall temperature of the earth, resulting in global warming. Global warming has various serious hazards, both on the environment as well as on human health. It results in melting of glaciers and snow-capped mountains, causing an increase of the water levels in seas and rivers, thereby increasing the chances of flood. Apart from this, global warming also has numerous health risks on humans, such as increase of diseases such as malaria and dengue, cholera, Lyme disease and plague, among others.(Freeman, 1995) Industrial pollution, as stated above, is one of the major causes of air pollution. With the increase in the number of industries and factories due to the industrial revolution; air pollution also has increased significantly. The emissions from various industries contain large amounts of gases such as carbon dioxide, sulphur and nitrogen, among others. These gases, when present in elevated levels in the atmosphere, often result in various environmental and health hazards such as acid rain, and various skin disorders in individuals.(Freeman, 1995) Pollution emitted from the industries is also one of the major factors contributing towards water pollution. Dumping of various industrial waste products into water sources, and improper contamination of industrial wastes, often result in polluting the water. Such water pollution disturbs the balance of the ecosystem inside, resulting in the death of various animal and plant species present in the water.(Freeman, 1995) Soil pollution is defined as a phenomenon is which the soil loses its structure and fertility due to various natural and artificial reasons. Dumping of industrial wastes is one of the prime factors contributing towards soil pollution. Industrial wastes contain large amounts of various chemicals which get accumulated on the top layer of the soil, resulting in loss of fertility of the soil. Such loss of fertility ultimately results in changes in the ecological balances of the environment due to reduction in plant growth.(Freeman, 1995) Other Common Effects Certain other common effects of industrial pollution include damaging  building sand structures, increasing the risk of various occupational hazards such as asbestosis, pneumoconiosis, among others.(Freeman, 1995) Pollution of Love Canal The infamous case of the pollution of Love Canal, on Lake Erie in New York, brought environmental pollution to the public attention in the 1970s. From 1942 to 1953, several chemical companies dumped 20,000 metric tons of chemical waste at this site. In 1953 the land was sold to the local board of education, and the 99th Street School was constructed on the land. The school attracted families to the neighborhood, which grew to contain 800 single-family homes and 240 apartment units by 1978. Unfortunately, eighty different chemicals, including dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), started to leach through the soil, and residents began complaining of odd smells in their houses and experiencing many unexplainable health problems. The school was closed in August 1978, and the federal government contributed $10 million for the relocation of 200 families nearest the site. In 1980 President Carter sent additional funds, for the relocation of 700 more families.(Shen, 1999) Conclusion: Strict Legislation is required to control Industrial Pollution. In England and Wales, pollution from industrial installations has been controlled to some extent for over 150 years. The Pollution Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations 2000 (the PPC Regulations) were introduced under the Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 and built on existing systems. The PPC Regulations replaced the pollution control regimes called Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) and Local Air Pollution Control which had been set up under Part I of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA 1990). The PPC Regulations also transposed the Integrated Pollution and Prevention and Control Directive (now Directive 2008/1/EC) the IPPC Directive. The primary aim of the IPPC Directive is to ensure a high level of environmental protection and to prevent and where that is not practicable, to reduce emissions to acceptable levels. Separate legislative provisions are in place to transpose the IPPC Direc tive in Scotland, Northern Ireland and the offshore oil and gas industries. In America, federal laws stipulate that generators of hazardous waste are responsible for the proper storage and disposal chemicals from the cradle to the grave.(Department of Environment, 2009) Using environmentally-friendly products like Oil Gone Easy S-200 and supporting environmental conservation organizations are some steps that can be taken to curb industrial pollution.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Genocide Forgotten Essay -- Essays Papers

A Genocide Forgotten During his stay at the Crown Hotel’s Sailor Reading Room in Norwich, the mysterious protagonist in W.G. Sebald’s Rings of Saturn was quietly leafing through Independent on Sunday newspaper; he came across an article that stirred his memory. This article dealt with â€Å"so-called cleansing operations† undertaken by Croats, Germans and Austrians which took place during WW2 in Bosnia d, where a souvenir photograph taken by the Utashi showed â€Å"fellow militiamen in the best of spirits, some of them striking heroic poses, are sawing the head off a Serb† (96). Sebald’s protagonist goes on to reveal more historical information with graphic details and in the process is bewildered by the lack of outrage and knowledge of these atrocities. The culmination of the ignorance was the election of an unnamed â€Å"young Viennese lawyer (99)† who was involved in the planning of deportations in the Balkans later became the UN Secretary General and the voi ce of Voyager II. Consequently, in his novel, Rings of Saturn, W.G. retold the tragedy and horror of the Balkan Holocaust and Kurt Waldheim’s ascension in world politics in order to underscore the ironies inherent in historical amnesia. In order to fully comprehend the significance of Sebald’s revelations, one must review the historical background surrounding these atrocities. Following, World War One, the signing of the Treaty of Versailles the ended of the rule of the Hapsburg dynasty, the multiethnic Astro-Hungarian Empire crumbled. In its place independent states of Austrian and Hungary, but also another multiethnic kingdom of Yugoslavia, which contained Serbs, Croats, Slovenes and Jews were established.1 While Orthodox Serbs were an overall majority, Catholic Croats were in m... war criminals?† Human Events. August 2, 1996: 4-6. Reinhartz, Dennis. â€Å"Unmarked graves: the destruction of the Yugoslav Roma in the Balkan Holocaust.† Journal of Genocide Research. 1 (1999) 81-90 Sebald, W.G. The Rings of Saturn. Trans. Michael Hulse. London: Harvill, 1998. Schindley, Wanda. â€Å"Hidden History: the Horror of Jasenovac.† (2005). Utgaard, Peter.Remebering and Forgetting Nazism. New York: Bergham, 2003. Wertz, Joachim. On the Serbian Orthodox New Martyrs of the Second World War:A Brief Historical Background. Orthodox Christian Information Center. (1983) . â€Å"What was Jasenovac?†. 2001. The Jasenovac Research Institute. April 13, 2005.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Preparing Teachers for Certification Essay -- essays papers

Preparing Teachers for Certification Each state has its own specific standards that are constantly under revision. The state of Maryland issues teacher certificates for early child hood, elementary education, special education, and then several areas of secondary education. Many of these areas are the traditional, core subjects but certificates can also be obtained in areas like outdoor education, agriculture, data processing, or as a work based learning coordinator. (Certification Educator Information System, n.d.) To gain certification in each area, a prospective teacher must complete an approved program that leads to that particular certification. The traditional method of certification is through college and university programs and each one has its requirements and guide lines that will lead to such certification. In addition, â€Å"all candidates applying for an initial teacher certificate are required to present qualifying scores on the Praxis I Academic Skills Assessments and the appropriate Praxis II Subject an d Pedagogy Assessment, where required. Out-of-state candidates must meet Maryland's qualifying scores.† (Certification Educator Information System, n.d.) Information for teachers on locations, dates, and fees can be found at the Maryland State Department of Education home page. There are several different certificates that a teacher can receive upon completion of an approved program. For example, a PEC or Professional Eligibility Certificate will be issued after all certification requirements are completed and will be valid for five years to someone not currently employed in the state of Maryland (Certification Educator Information System, n.d.) Other examples of possible certificates are the Standard Professional... ...but the information is a little old since it was published in 1997. Lucas, C. (1997). Teacher education in america: reform agenda for the twenty-first century. New York: St. Martin’s Press Includes historical perspectives, as well as origins and development of teacher education in America. There is also a portion about recommendations from working teachers. This source is also a little outdated. Mack-Kirschner, A.(2003). The teacher's guide to national board certification: unpacking the standards. New Hampshire: Heinemann. This is an overview of the National Board's certification standards. She's actually explaining to teachers the preparation they must go through to get their certification. I think this is a great source for me. I have two other books with a lot of good information but this one was published in 2003 so the information is up to date.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Political Culture of Russia Essay

The nature of Russian political culture and by extension its politics has been shaped and molded over the previous centuries. While we can by no means attribute its entire political culture to a single event or time period, we also can’t point to a time period, say the Soviet time, and draw our perception of Russia’s political culture from that alone. That being said, the totalitarian nature of the Soviet State is by partial means attributable to Marxist-Leninist philosophies. The nature of Russian political culture was (and still is in many regards) authoritarian. Throughout Russia’s history there has been an authoritarian attitude in how the country should be ruled. The state was always there, the state was behind forced modernization policies from Peter the Great through Joseph Stalin, and today Vladimir Putin. Russia for the large part of its history been just as vast as it is today. The sheer size of it requires a centralized power to keep regional autonomy down. Every country that followed or still follows Marxist doctrine did (does) so with different flavors of Marxism, none of which are exactly and entirely what Karl envisioned. China and Russia were rivals in several policy areas throughout the 20th century. The same dichotomy can be seen between China and its smaller (communist) Southeastern Asian neighbors such a s Cambodia and Vietnam. Communist countries were partially authoritarian because of Marxism. The nature of establishing and perpetuating a command economy demanded authoritarianism. While China has wiggled out of many of the responsibilities and pitfalls of running a command economy by establishing market-driven economic reform, it remains authoritarian. This illustrates that while the key components of Marxism are abandoned, the system and its actors continue to grasp to power as it seeks to adapt and integrate itself into the world system. This is counter to previous attempts to establish a parallel world system behind Soviet ideology. Bottom line: the only way a Communist system can take continued hold and root itself into the political system is through authoritarianism. Not to mention the guise under which many of the Soviet Republics were brought into the fold and behind the Iron Curtain. These weren’t spontaneous Communist Revolutions toppling several governments around the world; it was the Russian’s moving in after having kicked the Germans out and act ing marionette to their new puppets. If it were populist support that kept Communist governments in power around the world one would not see states efforts to cripple freedoms of the press, of assembly, and of religion. Current Communist governments fear a slippery slope, and perhaps rightfully so, where an inch of social freedom given would mimic Mikhail Gorbachev’s reforms in the late 1980’s and lead to an eventual collapse. Russia’s Political culture is more authoritarian than a lot of countries around the world, but today it is a functioning quasi-democracy with authoritarian overtones. This goes to show that in the right circumstances, Russian’s can and will subject themselves to semi-authoritarian rule. Under other circumstances, such as the situation in the 1990’s that followed the collapse of the Soviet system, it’s a wonder that authoritarianism didn’t come back in force. Putin still governs with legitimacy at the front of his mind, and hasn’t suspended the constitution or ruled by decree. True democracy can and will eventually be realized, but realistically this is only possible through generational replacement and hard, slow change. The privatization process can be viewed with much rightful criticism, it didn’t take into account Russians lack of understanding of the West’s definition of ‘rational economic behavior’, nor did it find a happy middle ground between the two extremes of command economy and wild-west capitalism. What it did do was change the rules of the game being played. We can fault the broad shock therapy method for any number of shortcomings in the economic policy in the Russian arsenal, but it accomplished one incredibly more important goal. It changed the rules of the game. People who knew the rules (or knew which new rules were coming), mobsters, party officials, and Western interests, leapt upon the opportunity to make money hand over fist. This is still a vastly improved scenario as opposed to gradual economic reform, with the state greedily holding onto the â€Å"commanding heights† of the economy, and leaving the unprofitable sectors open for private investment and development. The large majority of the Russian people didn’t have a firm grasp on private property, or selling one of two cows to buy a bull, or how to ‘invest’ with these vouchers. The sharks ate them up in the incredibly free market. This is a point that was necessary for the facilitation o f real capitalism and eventually democracy in Russia. How does one instill in its population the concepts that go hand in hand with capitalism? My answer would be to force them to adapt to a changed environment. Gradual change would’ve perpetuated for a longer time the stagnation and poor cost-management of the Soviet period. An aggressive and immediate changing of the environment began the painful instilling of capitalist values into the populace and government. After the dust cleared and a new millennia unveiled, Vladimir Putin inherited a new Russia, with new problems, and an semi-regulated albeit capitalist system. I also reject the notion that a stake in a company translates to a certain level of commitment and productivity associated with it. I can think of just in my own history a number of bosses with a small level of commitment to the company, they weren’t there to operate or manage, they were there to own. That being said I’ve also experienced several hands-on owners, who corrected the techniques of severa l employees to their liking. My other inference comes from day-traders on the Stock Market. People with no vested interest in a company putting their money up because they think the stock will go up, not necessarily because they believe in the product. One doesn’t need a stake in a company to incentivize success within it, it sure helps, but it is not required and wouldn’t have made the Russian transition any less painful. The decades of propaganda had really affected some 10% of the population and they were the ones who fell off the cliff when the system changed. Russia in the 1990’s was bad, but it was nothing compared to the massive famines that led to the deaths of millions of Russians, or the Great Depression. Many Russian’s who bought into the Soviet ideology were left out in the cold, yet others found jobs, and others made easy money. 1991 was a turbulent time in Russia, the collapse of the system left countless questions unanswered about what the Russian state and its business sector would look like after the dust settled. I see absolutel y no way, no system, no path that could’ve mediated such a drastic change with minimal economic displacement and suffering. We could’ve lessened the blow with a Russian version of the Marshall Plan, but frankly that was much too much to expect from America. We were in a position of triumph after decades of struggle, and the prospect of the massive new markets had American businesspeople salivating. The Marshall plan also wouldn’t have worked as well as it did in Western Europe because the political and economic culture of Russia was very different from Western Europe. Saturating a country with cash and loans to build (or rebuild in the case of Western Europe) modern infrastructure was out of the question. Half the reasoning behind the Marshall Plan in the first place was to cultivate capitalism, and combat the spread of communism. What is to be gained from a US policy of propping up our old foe? This is especially true when there was so much money to be made via exploitation. Russia in the 1990’s was exactly was America desired it to be, complacent. The Russian mob played a major role in blocking true market reforms; they reveled in the post-collapse chaos and orchestrated the major piece of the Russian economy that is sti ll today conducted underground, and more importantly, free of tax revenue. While this percentage has decreased considerably, it still accounts for nearly a double digit hole in economic exchanges. Along with the mob, the Communist Party knew what was going to happen and planned accordingly. They snapped up the profitable sectors of the economy for pennies on the dollar and became fabulously wealthy. Both groups served as major obstacles in the path of real reform, and real democracy for Russia. The fact is that the reforms proposed were free-market in principle and not free-market in practice. Favors, subsidies, inside information, and possessing capital (not to mention the knowledge of how to use it) made for a grossly tilted economic playing field in Russia. Just like water, the money flowed down the tilt and into the hands of elites and future oligarchs, leaving real policy and progress for later leaders and generations to wrestle with. To quote Winston Churchill, â€Å"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.† Western style democracy is by no means the pinnacle of human achievement, it is however a necessary condition to providing the basis for equality of opportunity, rule of law, and political representation. That is not to say that there is no value in the Russian path, or that it is inherently wrong. Order just isn’t as valuable (according to the West) when one holds the aforementioned societal values. Order works for Russia, much better than it ever could’ve worked in the â€Å"Go west, young man† America that encompassed so much of the formation of our identity. Order keeps the barbarians out, order keeps the serfs from rebelling, order centralizes power in an Empire. Russia, without the concept of order built in like ours of liberty, would’ve faltered and fell from the world stage many times, of this I have no doubt.. The two biggest examples of Order trumping Liberty (in Russia) I can imagine are the invasions of Napoleon and Hitler. In the former and the latter, slash and burn tactics were employed. Hell, Moscow was a husk in the dead of winter when Napoleon got there, and I have no doubt that similarly drastic measures would’ve been taken to preserve the Soviet state. People throughout the best land in Russia, burned their property, poisoned their livestock, poisoned their water, destroyed everything of use, and fled. The enormous sense of communal responsibility and togetherness that these behaviors exhibit illustrate that Order worked and may continue to work for Russians, in the same manner that Liberty worked for Americans. I could never imagine American’s destroying everything in the face of invasion and retreating. That’s sacrilegious in this country; luckily we didn’t have quite as aggressive neighbors as Russia had. The Russian political system must meet several criteria I believe before it is widely accepted as completely legitimate. First off, centrist parties crafted by United Russia have to dissipate. They’re there to fracture opposition support, and nullify the voices of the overriding political currents that sway governments to control of one party or another. Representative politics works best when it represents the electorate, if there are pressures to decrease opposition support via backhanded ways, then that is where one sees wide-spread dissent. United Russia may have the backing of a majority of the Russian citizenry, for now, but by treating the opposition as the problem rather than part of the solution, Putin and by extension United Russia is alienating many mainstream voters on the left and right. Their reaction is to then become more extreme and problemati c because they’re being talked down to. When legitimate political parties and beliefs aren’t represented, parties and organizations that hold them have nothing to lose by taking up much more extremist views. If they felt that United Russia would play ball, they wouldn’t be taking the positions that they have taken. They would come to the table with more of a pragmatist view and plan of compromise. The military’s role in the democratization of Russia needs to be minimal. I am of the belief that a Roman-style coup utilizing the military is a very real albeit remote possibility. Civilians need to be the head of their equivalent to the Department of Defense, and ending discrimination in the armed services is a must for minorities in Russia to truly feel that they have a say and a stake in the country as it moves forwards. Divided government demands compromise, and it is yet to be seen whether Russia is ready to grapple with and deal with people who don’t agree with you. As of this point, the answer has been to silence them, or to shuffle them into a centrist party like sheep, or to run up the tally of people who think like you. For Russia to move past the post-Soviet period it must start engaging opposition, utilize independent parties, and stop fighting the opposition. This is very possible, just not at a breakneck pace. Russia’s value of Liberty will inevitably keep the country moving towards a more representative and legitimate democracy, but its value of Order will make sure that it is a slow and deliberate process.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Psych Exam

Psychology is best defined as the science of behavior and mental processes. A cognitive psychologist would be most likely to design a study of the processes involved in decision making. Roy is interested in the details of the relationship between the brain structures and behavior. Roy is most likely a biological psychologist. The tasks of an industrial/organizational psychologist Include Improving supervisors' leadership skills, creating maximum-efficiency work groups, and suggesting other research-based programs designed to Increase efficiency.An Industrial/organizational psychologist doing cross-cultural work finds that In Country Llama, the workers have the highest Job satisfaction when they are rewarded for their accomplishments and quality of work. Country Llama probably has an Individualist culture. Dan performs the same experiment on several different occasions. Each time he performs the experiment, his data suggests different conclusions.The results from Dawn's experiment lac k reliability. Tall Is Interested In how alcohol consumption affects driving ability. He gives college students two, four, or six beers and then assure how many obstacles the students â€Å"hit† when they are in a driving simulator. The dependent variable is the number of obstacles hit. Dry. Summers investigated the influence of snacking on the onset of sleep in preschool children.One group of preschoolers ate a candy bar prior to bedtime, the other group ate nothing. Time until the onset of sleep was recorded for each child. In his experiment, eating or not eating the snack is the independent variable, and the time until the onset of sleep is the dependent variable. Cine operated the telephone switchboard t a large company, answering calls and directing them to the appropriate extensions.Remembering her introductory to psychology class, she decided that her situation was much like that of the dendrites and axons of neurons, because numerous people could call her at one time, but she could send out only one call at a time. Since Gordon sustained sever head trauma, he can no longer perform basic sewing tasks such as treading a needle. When he tries to play the piano, it is as if his fingers do not remember how to make the necessary movements, even for pieces he has known for years. Gordon most likely has damage to his cerebellum.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Building Of Brand (Nike)

This shoe placed Nikkei on the map, and after it came out, all other brands had to offer similarly shock-absorbent soles. In 1972, Phil Knight (Nines founder and current CEO), was able to convince several marathoners to wear Nikkei shoes during the Olympic trials in Eugene, Oregon, where the company started. Later, Nikkei ran a campaign saying that â€Å"Nines were worn by four of the top seven finishers†. Sponsorship had begun. In October 1 982, Nikkei aired its first three national television ads, during the broadcast of the New York City Marathon.They ran TV commercials cause back then it was so easy to target their audience: most of them would be watching the marathon. There were fewer channels and fewer media outputs. About Nikkei & Product Positioning Nikkei was named after the Greek goddess for ‘Victory'. Today, it dominates the global sports footwear market. The company started focusing on making running shoes, but over time they became associated with the athlet e subculture, which allowed them to expand into other areas. They learned they had to stay within the athletic category though -they tried selling everyday shoes and it didn't work out.Currently, it's the largest seller of athletic footwear and athletic apparel in the world, with over 700 stores worldwide, over 40,000 employees and generating more than $21 billion a year in sales. It's recognized everywhere by their trademark â€Å"swoosh† logo. History Brand Overview Nikkei advertising has become one of the most effective emotional branding examples in the marketing world today. They use the old technique of Heroism to inspire customer loyalty all over the world: the battle is between our lazy side and our healthy side. Our laziness is the villain, and we become the heroes.We all see the hero in ourselves, and therefore this message appeals to everyone on the planet. The brand strategy isn't to make you think you need Nikkei gear in order to succeed, but that you actually wa nt it because you succeed. The product is downplayed, and the ego of the customer is lifted up. The Product Dream We are all athletes. We are all heroes. We achieve great things. We win, every single battle. Garage Newell talks about a 5-step formula, that he claims is present in every Nikkei commercial, and it shows the hero overcoming great struggles. That's the promise: you are a winner, that's why you choose Nikkei.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Political Philosophy and Machiavelli Essay

Nicolo Machiavelli is a well known philosopher of the Italian Renaissance from the sixteenth century. The return of the Medici family in Florence in 1512 forced Machiavelli out of office, and he wrote The Prince after retiring from the public. The Prince is one of his most famous works, it describes the means by which a new leader may gain and maintain power. His ideas can be applied to new rulers ranging from a new principal to a new president of a new country. While discussing his ideas for new rulers, Machiavelli says â€Å"Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? † (Machiavelli 98). If a ruler is not able to do both, it is better to be loved than feared. Machiavelli answers his own question through his ideas of what makes a successful ruler. He argues that a prince is much safer being feared than loved. Machiavelli says â€Å"†¦ for love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails. † (Machiavelli 99). He says that being loved creates opportunity for being taken advantage of and being feared doesn’t fail. Bringing fear to his people with cruelty would make them united and loyal. Most people who are fearful of any authority fear punishment, so they are more inclined to not cross the line of disrespect. Without a doubt, being loved is more desired from the people and has a greater value compared to being feared, even though the perks of being feared can make a leader successful. Since it’s better to be loved than feared, there are three important characteristics to have to ensure that the new people you’re ruling love you; these characteristics are being honest, having respect, and being protective. Honesty is an important characteristic to have because the body of people you’re ruling and the way they act is a reflection of yourself. If you make honest and good behavior a key value, your people will do the same. If you don’t make honest and good behavior a key value, your people won’t trust that you are always doing the right thing and telling the truth. Machiavelli says, â€Å"Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are. † (Machiavelli 106). His quote shouldn’t be true if you’re an honest and truthful leader. Machiavelli says in his quote that a leader does not show his complete self to everyone, that he displays an act of goodness to his people and only reveals what he really is to those who ask for it. Being an honest leader inside and out will only help gain your people’s trust and true love. This quote also ties into the one that reads â€Å"†¦ it is unnecessary for a prince to have all the good qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. † (Machiavelli 250). Machiavelli says that a leader must put on a false face to his people and pretend to have qualities that he does not actually have. It’s not acceptable to hide yourself from your people because if you say you’re going to protect them no matter what and you back out when something bad happens, your people will be disappointed and won’t have trust in you. A successful leader who wishes to be loved should be honest to his people for who he really is because it will give him respect. You can’t gain respect without giving respect. Respect is one of the most important characteristics to have when being a leader because people always want to be in an environment where they feel valued. A leader isn’t going to be successful if their people aren’t happy and feel as if they aren’t important. If a leader is genuine with respect, his people will be more willing to give back respect and do as he says. Though, the truth is that it is important to give respect whether they feel the leader deserves it or not. As Machiavelli says, â€Å"A prince is also respected when he is either a true friend or a downright enemy. † (Machiavelli 250). It doesn’t matter the relation you have with your leader, whether they’re a true friend or a downright enemy, you’re going to respect them just because they’re your leader. Your people may not like what you do, but you will be respected. It’s obvious that being respected out of actual love is the better than being being respected out of fear, and that good respect should lead to good confidence within the leader. The feeling of being protected is desired from a lot of people. If you’re a new principal, your students and staff want locks on doors and an officer nearby. If you’re the new president of a country, your nation wants to know that they have a reliable and strong army fighting for and protecting the country. A successful leader should always be ready for whatever situations may come. Machiavelli says, â€Å"He who does otherwise, either from timidity or evil advice, is always compelled to keep the knife in his hand. † (Machiavelli 61). A leader should always be ready for quick action if some situation should arise. Your people will love and admire you if they know you’re protecting them and is always cautious for quick problems. It takes great courage and confidence to take full responsibility for your people’s safety and well being. Being honest, having respect, and being protective are characteristics of being a successful but loved leader that have applied to people from before Machiavelli’s time all the way up to present day. It’s easy to spot feared leaders such as Hitler apart from loved leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. Being loved not feared is better to be if you cannot be both because the people you’re leading actually like you for who you are and are willing to do what you say, they aren’t scared into doing it. Martin Luther King Jr. led his people with the same respect they gave him, he was honest and true with his feelings, and he went above and beyond to change the world’s way of how they treated colored people to protect them from getting hurt and discriminated any longer. His people loved and admired him for who he really was, he didn’t hide anything. Martin Luther King Jr. was a successful leader because he was loved and possessed honesty, respect and protectiveness.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Langston Hughes Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Langston Hughes - Research Proposal Example (Biography book, 1969, 43) It could be noted that through this, Langston Hughes was bale to become one of the most remarkable writers to note the possibility of reaching the American dream of being untied as one particular community that is able to live together peacefully amidst the daunting challenges brought about by living in a diverse community today. Most of the written works of Hughes deal with social inequality. From the birth of slavery to the development of social stratification procedures and the existence of social and racial discrimination in the human society today, Hughes was able to describe how it actually feels to be different. As someone who was able to experience the effects of such differences and social stratification systems, it could be observed that Hughes is one of the most reliable sources of explanation as to how discrimination and racial differences could actually affect a person's growth. Hence, through his writings, Hughes aims to create a considerable call to each individual being affected by the said situation as well as to each authority who could be expected to give a least some considerable solutions to the matter, to give attention to these primary situations in the human society today. ... A change on the treatment that the oppressed communities or individuals are receiving should be well considered for making a better human society. Understanding the Thoughts of Hughes Equality amidst differences. This is the primary thought that Hughes himself aims to portray in his written works like that of the poem entitled "Let America Be America Again". In this reading, he further notes that amidst diversity, America could still be recognized as one particular community of united people again as per taken into consideration based from the possible adjustments that the people of the said society could do to at least answer the need of living together as one within a community of their own. To the said author, differences need not hinder a certain community from becoming united in terms of dreams and aspirations towards the future. Hence, in this case, his poem further identifies the elemental factors that divide America and later on proposes a possible plausible change that could assist in refining the American society towards a more progressive community living in a united state. The Realities of Present Human Life and Hughes' Ideas (A) Langston Hughes and the Issues of Slavery According to the study of Baldwin and Toplin (2006), the written works of Hughes actually notes the existence of the author's desire for the idealism of survival. To the said author, life is a gift of hope wrapped around several ribbons of challenges that if one is able to unwrap it, then he realizes his own worth as a person. (Baldwin, et al, 2006, 17). The very idealistic and positive nature of a society that is desired and dreamed by many is that it is to be founded in accordance to the values of equality and liberty. (Baldwin, et al, 2006, 22) This is the utopian model of